Swartz Center for Computational Neuroscience
What We Do
The Swartz Center for Computational Neuroscience (SCCN) at UC San Diego builds and applies tools for human electrophysiological data neurocomputation, neuroinformatics, and mobile brain/body imaging, including:
EEGLAB - the most widely used environment for electrophysiological signal processing.
Lab Streaming Layer (LSL) - a most-used software framework to synchronize data from multiple recording systems - a smart portal to human electrophys. data shared on OpenNeuro (now over 25TB )
HED - the only system for systematically recording the natures of events
BIDS - HED and HEDTools are integrated with BIDS, the Brain Imaging Data Structure standards
MoBI - Mobile Brain/Body Imaging, first proposed as a field at SCCN to extend cognitive neuroscience to the wider study of natural human cognition
Visit us to discuss your questions, thoughts, or interest in working with our tools and methods - and/or to discuss AVAILABLE POSTDOC positions.
EEGLAB - the most widely used environment for electrophysiological signal processing.
Lab Streaming Layer (LSL) - a most-used software framework to synchronize data from multiple recording systems - a smart portal to human electrophys. data shared on OpenNeuro (now over 25TB )
HED - the only system for systematically recording the natures of events
BIDS - HED and HEDTools are integrated with BIDS, the Brain Imaging Data Structure standards
MoBI - Mobile Brain/Body Imaging, first proposed as a field at SCCN to extend cognitive neuroscience to the wider study of natural human cognition
Visit us to discuss your questions, thoughts, or interest in working with our tools and methods - and/or to discuss AVAILABLE POSTDOC positions.
La Jolla, CA
United States
United States